wow thanks mina - http://pinkpuds.blogspot.com
for thinking of me it was a lovely suprise when i came on to my blog today, now the hard bit is to choose five other creative blogs. hugs carol
well here's one Lisa....http://crafty-moments.blogspot.com/
2 is dawns http://dawnscrafttime.blogspot.com/
3 is susie http://susiescards.blogspot.com/
4. is alex http://eisbaerentraeume.blogspot.com/
5. is michele http://micheleroos-space.blogspot.com/
The rules are you need to pass this on too another five blogs with links from your page to there's and a link to the one who gave you the award. Don't forget to let them know you have left them something on your blog for them. x carol
Hi Carol
Wow thanks so much that is so nice to think of me.
Hey Carol
Wow thanks a lot
i really needed something to cheer mysel up and wow you did it
thank you loads
susie x
Thank you sooo much for this lovely award and for thinking of me. Michele x
Hi Carol, Thank you so much for this award.
Lisa x
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