The papers i have used are from my fav CD at the moment and that is crafters companion
I will be adding this card to a few other challenges.
Paper sundaes.....min 3 embellishments
Pollycraft ....Autumn colours
Practical scrappers...buttons
Hey it is nearly the weekend so enoy.......happy crafting.
hugs carol
Our sponsor is sew many cards
They are giving our winner the choices of Five digital images. So what you waiting for, but before you logo off your computer why not hop on over to the C.R.A.F.T. blog and check out the other DT members creations they may give you some inspiraton.
I have used this cute image from Sew many cards, Duncan under the mushroom, he is not available until October.The papers are from crafters companion S.W.A.L.K. cd.
I will be adding this card to te following challenges:-
Sketch Saturday......sketch to follow
CYDA........Glitter and girly
Bee crafty......anything goes
Stamp something.......something cute
Pile it on......lots of layers
Thanks for having a peek today, love to here what you think
hugs carol x