Sunday 8 February 2015

Inspiration for you

Hiya its my turn over at the CRAFTY RIBBONS INSPIRATION BLOG to share a creation with you,its already gone live on the blog I'm a little late with my post oops sorry, So this is what i made with some of these fab large wide ribbons which you find HERE
these are just new out  and they are perfect for scrap booking too.
the green is bias binding also available from Crafty Ribbons 
I have added them to card and then added onto embossed background simple really but effect i think

hope you like 
x Carol x


coldwaters2 said...

This is brilliant Carol love the embossed background and that seam binding ribbon and what a fantastic central display it look top notch.
lorraine x

Kim said...

great male card Carol, love the images on the ribbon
Kim x

