Hi..I have just received this blog award from Mary, thankyou mary for thinking of me.
now i need to pass on this award to 10 other peeps and also say why i started my blog, well i started my blog because i wanted to start taking part in the blog challenges, although you didn't have to have a blog to enter but i thought why not!! so i did.
Here is my 10 who inspire me when i see their blogs
have a nice evening....x carol
Thank you so much for passing this on to me Carol :)
I'll add it to my blog over the next couple of days :)
Thanks again,
Carol x
Carol thank you so much you've put a smile on my face ~ Mel x
Ah Carol, Thanks ever so much. Nice to know that I inspire you - every blog I visit inspires me - including yours but for some reason Blogger doesn't always let me comment and its so slow during the day - tho that may be our PC!
Thanks again, Sheila :)X
aawww, thank for thinking of me Carol. xx
wow thanx sooo much for giving me this award! it means a lot to me that u have chosen me :o)...i will be adding this 2 my blog really soon :o) xxx
Thank you Carol, so lovely of you :o) Lisa x
Thank you ever so much Carol I'll treasure the thoughts and really appreciate your lovely comments. Awesome blog award
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