Friday, 22 June 2018


Morning friends, its another long weekend for me.....eee i have had a few lately, another next weekend too.  This i could get use to.

Today i am here again with this weeks DT card for CRAFTY CATZ, it's the usual theme of ANYTHING GOES but our optional theme is BEAUTIFUL BLOOMS.
This fits in nicely with the gorgeous images we received from our sponsor this week which is 


I love this colour on my card,, its one of my favourites at the moment i think!! Embossed background, mattered and layered pattern paper, I bought some new pens off create and craft last week and i used the shimmer one on the flowers, sorry could not capture this on the photo. but they work a treat. 
Thanks for your visit, much appreciated,
take care x Carol x  


  1. Gorgeous card Carol love the colour's have a wonderful week end
    Dianne xx :)

  2. Stunning card Carol, it's so elegant with that lovely rich purple. Have a good weekend. Lilly x

  3. Lovely card Carol, hope you have a nice long weekend...
    Just noticed on FB your son and dil celebrating the first flew by...

  4. beautiful colours and ribbon, looks like a sunny weekend xx

  5. Hi Carol this is a stunning card it is just so pretty I love it. Have a great weekend. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  6. This is so pretty Carol! I love the embossing pattern, beautiful colours and the gorgeous bow! Have a great weekend! Nick
