Friday 31 October 2014

Blue for a boy

Happy Friday......
ooh and I'm off today now what to do...well i have so much to do it will be hard to decide and i know i cannot do it all,  well not all in one day !!
Paint bathroom ? clean  Kitchen cupboards? or Tidy Craft cupboard out, which i would love to do then i can find things again! ooh and go swimming.
Ok enough of my thoughts, This is my DT card for CRAFTY CATZ
the theme this week is 
whooo i know you like this, well we all do too

The papers are from Bearly-mine....simple dots The washing line ribbon is from Crafty Ribbons 
Die cut banner used.
Would love to see your anything goes creation...if you need inspiration the DT have bee playing nicely and created some for you ...why not pop on over.
Take care blog friends 
hugs Carol x   


  1. Gorgeous and beautiful card Carol fabulous colour's and love the cute image have a lovely weekend
    Hugs Dianne xx :)

  2. a super baby card, enjoy your day off whatever you decide
    Tilly x

  3. So cute Carol, love that ribbon it's adorable, enjoy your day off and have a great week xx

  4. Gorgeous baby card Carol, adorable image.
    Hope you enjoyed your day off.
    Wendy xx

  5. Adorable and sweet card, Carol, and you couldn't match the ribbon more! Love the colors. Have a nice weekend!
    Anna xxx

  6. Gorgeous Carol, such a beautiful design.
    Have a fab week-end.xx

  7. What a gorgeous baby card Carol, so sweet..Hugs Lozzy xx
    its busy busy busy

  8. gorgeous baby boy card Carol, love the layout too
    Kim x
