Hello.. i have received this lovely blog award from another blog friend mandy, i was given it a week or so ago but just never got round to adding it to my blog, how horrible of me i know!!
These are the questions you need to complete...
1-Where is your cell-phone-getting charged..kitchen
3-Mother-Gone forever
4-Father- Gone forever
5-What is your favourite food- sundays dinner
6-Dream last night-No dream
7-Favourite drink-peach schnapps and lemonade
8-Your dream goal-Too own my own craft shop
9-What room are you in-Living room
10-Your hobby-Card making
11-Your Fear- that me or my hubby will die before we grow old together
12-Where do you want to live in six years time- A bigger house would be nice, as long as we are together
13-Where were you last night-HOME
14-Something that you arn't-RICH
15-Muffins-Double chocolate chip
16-Whish list item-oh i would run out of paper
17-Where did you grow up-same place i am now
18-Last thing you paper pierced-Tilda
19-What are you wearing-PJ'S
20-Your tv-ON
21-Your pet's-Neo my dog
22-Your friends-a fab bunch
23-Your life-GREAT
24-Your mood-GREAT
25-Missing someone-Yes
27-Something your not wearing-Makeup
28-Your favourite store-Love any craft store
29-Your favourite colour-Pink
30-Last time you laughed-Last night
31-Last time you cried-At least a week ago
32-Your best friend-Janet
33-One place you woud go to over and over-majorca
34-One person who emails you regularly-denise
35-Favourite place to eat-Home
Please take this blog award if you are visiting my blog within the next week as i could not pick the five peeps i needed to pass this on too, as you are all fab blog friends.